
The Concept

On this page I will be posting various scriptures and comments, and I am seeking your perspectives on those verses. The idea of this page is that it will become the active page where we can knock various ideas around and then encourage each other in the ways of the Lord and to increased righteousness.

So to kick this page off here is the first scripture we will be looking at:

(Romans 12 v1): I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

Question 1: What do we think Paul is referring to here, when he says we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice? 

Question 2: How can we sacrifice our body to God? What does that practically look like?

Question 3: How can our bodies become holy and acceptable to God? Again how does this work itself out in our lives?

Question 4:What does this reasonable service look like in our lives?

Please feel free to comment below:




  1. HI Kieron , here is what i think .question 1 means :first of all a sacrifice means giving something to God that belongs to us ( eg,a goat ,a cow , a bird ..etc )that costs us and never to have it back .(that's what people brought to God in the old testament ) . i think now as christians , God wants us to give ourselves to Him , all that we are and all that we have , ALL and not to have it back again !!! we belong to God now , we must remember that !!!

  2. Thanks for that Toni, yes I agree in the old testament the reference would have meant some sort of grain or animal offering. And I also agree that today for us as Christians it means that we are to offer every part of our lives, so the question that begs to be asked is what is the practical outworking of that? What should it look like in our lives? is this a fair description of how we as christians live our lives today?
