1 Samuel 12

Hello Men,
I hope this day finds you strong in the power of His strength and that you are ready for the first challenge to us as men seeking  to follow the will of God for our lives.

Please take a look at your bibles in Chapter 12 of the book of 1 Samuel.

Samuel had just given his retirement speech as a judge over Israel, as he is handing over 
the reins to Saul. This was an important time for Israel as Gods anointed hands over the appointed king to the people. Samuel requests that if anybody has a case against him that they stand up and he will make it right between them. Then he extols the all of the virtues and majesty of God as he reminds them of their past pattern of failure toward God;

Disobedience, Discipline, & Deliverance......  

Disobedience, Discipline, & Deliverance...... 
Disobedience, Discipline, & Deliverance....... 
Disobedience, Discipline, & Deliverance......

Oh how I know this is true in my own life,  Men!

Then Samuel declares the judgment on Israel for their current
disobedience " we want a King"

Samuel's final point at the closing of time as the last judge over
Israel is found here in these verses:

(1Sa 12:22)  For the LORD will not forsake His people, for His great name's sake, because it has 

pleased the LORD to make you His people.

(1Sa 12:23) 
Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing 

to pray for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way.

(1Sa 12:24)  Only fear the LORD, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what 

great things He has done for you.

(1Sa 12:25) 
But if you still do wickedly, you shall be swept away, both you and your king.

He makes it very clear God will never forsake His people,-we are His chosen children - He was pleased to except us as adopted heirs. In verse 23 Samuel is making clear that for him, he will not stop doing
the thing that the Lord has told him to do. He states that it would be sin for him to cease praying, and teaching. We too, Men, must not leave that which he has called us to do. 

It pleased Him to call us, then he equipped us, now we are expected to do that for which we were called.
In fact Samuel puts it even clearer; he states that it would be sin for him not to do that 

which God had called him.

In verses 24-25 Samuel gives us a promise and a warning.

When we fear the Lord and serve HIM in truth with all your heart;

(Eph 6:6)  not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of 

God from the heart,

(Eph 6:7)  with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men,

(Eph 6:8) 
knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether 

he is a slave or free.

The warning needs very little explanation, but to do wickedly is not
just whilst committing sin (a sin of commission) it is also in the sin
of omission - which means if we know what to do and we fail to do it
this is wickedness too.

May the Lord bless you as you continue to minister in all areas of your life.



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