1 Samuel 14

So in the last devotion I posted, I spoke about the happenings in Chapter 12 of 1 Sam

Now this post is concerning the happenings in chapter 14 of 1 Sam
There are many exciting and interesting things which stand out in this chapter. But one of the most 
outstanding features for me is the example of Jonathan's Amour Bearer in fact he is not even
mentioned by name!! But his character stands out a mile.

1Sa 14:7 "Do all that you have in mind," his armor-bearer said. "Go
ahead; I am with you heart and soul."

This young man has no doubt in his mind and is fully committed to the position his captain has 
chosen to take. There is a huge risk of failure and the odds are well and truly stacked against them.

"Armor-Bearers in ancient times had to be unusually brave and loyal,since the lives of their masters often depended on them."
Later, God would raise up a special armor bearer for King Saul: a young man named David. 
So Men I was thinking about you do you have the makings of amour bearer in
you?. Below is a copy of the duties of an amour bearer it makes good reading a will 
give us something to potentially aim for (if you feel the Lord calling).


  1. Must provide strength for his leader.
  2. Must have a deep-down sense of respect for his leader, and acceptance for, and tolerance of, his leader's personality, and his way of doing things.
  3. Must instinctively understand his leader's thoughts.
  4. Must walk in agreement with and submission to his leader (Rom 13:1,2).
  5. Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there. All governments have been placed in power by God. So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.
  6. Must make the advancement of his leader his most important goal.
  7. Must possess endless strength so as to thrust, press and force.
  8. Must follow orders immediately and correctly.
  9. Must be a support to his leader.
  10. Must be an excellent communicator (Mark 4:22).
  11. Everything that is now hidden or secret will eventualy be brought to light.
  12. Must have a disposition that will eagerly gain victories for his leader (2 Sam 22:36)
  13. Trust God everyday for a spirit of humility, meekness, forgiveness, purity and clear conscience
  14. Must have the ability to minister strength and courage to his leader

Ok Men, I'll sign off for now.
May the Lord bless you and protect you over the coming months.



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